Thursday, September 30, 2010

Questions from Bumpies

I have had a couple of questions already regarding what i'm doing. so im going to try and answer them in this post.

Melissaorlando wrote:
Do you have a "method" that you follow?

Answer: the only "method" i use is i take herbals twice a day morning and night and domperidone 3 times a day. i sneaked in the lactation cookies. but the key is pumping pumping and more pumping. i pump once every 2 hours (if life lets me because i still do have an infant to look after) and i now have to start pumping at night because i feel full, and i dont want to get to full that it develops into something nasty or worse LEAK. every drop counts right now.

eSynergy Wrote: 
how long did you stop BFing for, before you started up again? 

Answer: i had stopped breastfeeding all together after about a month, i still tried to latch Samantha on until about a month ago, now i wish i hadnt stopped trying to latch her as it has now made it difficult to get her back to the breast. so im just pumping and trying to introduce the breast and hopefully she will just take it.

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