Monday, October 4, 2010

Re-Lactation Day 20

Day 20 (Oct 4 2010)

Today i woke up leaking, so right now leaking and i have a love hate relationship. i love that im leaking cuz that tells me my supply is becoming plentiful yet i hate leaking because all the precious breast milk is going on the bedsheets and on my shirt rather then in a bottle. this morning i was able to pump 6oz in one sitting WOOOHOOO one whole bottle without blinking. today Samantha has had 2 breastmilk bottles and 1 formula bottle. she is now only taking in the milk that i pumped on Oct 1st. i started putting the milk into freezer bags and freezing it and this way its easier to keep track on which day shes drinking milk from that and i was running outta bottles. i have also spread out my pumping closer to the 3-4 hours mark, and i also pump after every time Samantha eats (which is normally 3-4 hours anyways) sometimes in the morning i do every 2 hours still. its easier to pump when Samantha is sleeping rather then when shes awake. i got in a bad habit of propping her formula bottles up and im now trying to get her right close into me to simulate the nursing position while shes bottle feeding .

Today Samantha fought be to nap she had just eaten and was tired, and oh boy did my breast ache while she was having her little screaming fit. i wish she would be more inclined to comfort suck on the breast then the paci or Nuker as we call it.

tomorrow marks our 3 week milestone. YAY its been alot of hard work to get to this point but im so glad im doing this even for a the little benefit Samantha would get from even an ounce of breastmilk.

i am also reaching my goal this week to pump as close to or even 2oz of breast milk every pumping session. its great when i can have two sessions and i have 8oz, thats one full 6oz bottle PLUS 2oz for the next its awesome.

Any ladies that are following make sure you try and click the follow button, and dont be afraid to comment. im looking for any encouragement or pointers anyone has to give.

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing that you pumped a 6 oz. bottle in one sitting! That's about how much I get in the morning...truely amazing!

    You are doing so great. Just think, Samantha is now getting MORE breastmilk than formula. That is so wonderful!
