Saturday, October 9, 2010

Re-Lactation Day 24 and 25

Day 24 (oct 8th 2010)

Today Samantha didnt have more breastmilk then formula but it was close. 12oz of breastmilk to her 15oz of formula. i was able to get her to latch without a nipple shield and nurse for a while, but then ended up having a bottle but im okay with that we had the breakthrough with the nursing. she isnt nursing for long periods yet but im just happy shes latching without a shield. i didnt pump as much as i would like yesterday i only yielded 23 ounces and she took in 27ounces all day. cant always have good days i guess.

Day 25 (oct 9th 2010)

Samantha was up VERY early this morning 4am early (yawns) she was all happy and such so i pumped since i was leaking everywhere before i tried to feed her, so i pumped and i easily got a 4oz output. and then we nursed, she did very well, however is was more concerned about talking and babbling then nursing. but she did nurse about 10minutes. today my output has been just as much as shes taken in. my husband was worried that the breastmilk was making her not sleep anymore so he asked if we could try and give her just formula for a day. so i agreed, since im still pumping this will allow me to be more ahead on my stash then i was already. so i thinking we are doing very well. 
I have been using this weaning of supplements ( ) page from kellymom that i mentioned before and its really helping me figure out how much Samantha takes in,  doesnt matter if its the breast or just formula or breastmilk bottles.

today i have been able to pump just as much as shes been taking in thank goodness.

1 comment:

  1. That is so great that you got Samantha to latch without a shield! You are making such good progress.
